HOS Tip 2: Take a Break-It Adds Up For Hours-of-Service
The HOS (hours-of-service) rules can be tricky to understand and keep track of because the rules are based on several clocks which are all ticking at the same time. In this scenario, let’s figure out if the driver is compliant or not during a segment of their shift.
Our driver starts out with a 60/7 (60 hours within 7 days) clock for the week. After driving for a couple of hours and taking a few breaks, our driver’s status changes along the way too. Be sure to add up all the time to see if it’s been allocated correctly.
Q: Is this driver HOS complaint or not? Can you tell us why or why not? To find out the answer click here: HOS Tip 2 Answer
Let’s see who can tell if our driver is meeting compliance in this example. The answer will be revealed later this afternoon. Be sure to check back on our blog to see if you are right.
Know the Rules, Keep Track of Time, and Be Complaint – it’s key to HOS on the road.
For more information, go to a recent iGlobal blog about keeping track of HOS.
HOS Tip 2 Answer